Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Chichester Edits Statements For Accuracy

Governor Richard Milhouse Spitzer defending his illegal alien driver's license scheme:

“Today’s Republican Senate committee hearings make clear that the Senate would prefer I abdicate my foremost responsibility to protect the safety and security of New Yorkers rather than implement a smart DMV policy change that advances both (I've already abdicated my foremost responsibility to protect the safety and security of New Yorkers with this policy change since I need to motivate the crackpots that comprise my political base to divert attention from my Joe Bruno scandal).

“To their credit, Republican Senators 'applauded' DMV Commissioner Swarts for the new anti-fraud measures that the DMV has tied to this policy change. Yet despite these vast security enhancements, which will make New York State’s license system the most secure in the nation (I hope you noticed I've already said 'security' twice and 'secure' once in this statement so it sounds like I'm trying to prevent another 9-11 with words only), Senate Republicans continue to object to the policy simply on the grounds that the administration was restoring an immigrant’s access to a license.

“This policy is not about letting more people into this country (this policy is about ignoring fanatics and lunatics who want to kill Americans) . . . We cannot ignore the reality that when hundreds of thousands of people do not have a driver’s license, it puts everyone in danger, and we can’t ignore the reality that when hundreds of thousands of people live in the shadows (I almost made it through this statement without the 'in the shadows' talking point nonsense) it makes our country less safe and law enforcement’s job much harder.”