Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Truman Show Is Not A Good Idea

Jay Jochnowitz, State Editor of the Times Union, has posted a link to a site that "maps out the whereabouts of eight members of Congress who posted their schedules on the Web, including Kirsten Gillibrand, D-Greenport."

Today must be Congressional public-relations-disasters-waiting-to-happen day. It is unwise - to put it mildly - for Members of Congress to make every event and meeting public. Certain events and meetings require discretion. The first time one is not on Congresswoman Gillibrand's schedule the media is going to scream about a "cover up." And what is she hiding any way?

As the newest goo-goo on the block, Congresswoman Gillibrand is supposed to be transparent, and some of those other goo-goo descriptions used by New York State Democratic Committee Common Cause, Democratic Assembly Campaign Committee NYPIRG and the New York State Senate Democratic Campaign Committee League of Women Voters.

If only 8 of 535 Members of Congress have signed up for this sunshine and rainbows project, it should be a signal that it's an invitation to problems. Constituents and the media won't care about a Member's meeting with the rotarian of the year. They will, however, care if a Member promises openness and a meeting with a large company that has business before Congress is left off the schedule. A company such as General Electric, for starters.